Blanchiment AED/Guide du secteur immobilier de mars 2023

L’Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines (AED) a publié au début du mois de mars 2023 une actualisation du Guide des obligations professionnelles en matière de lutte contre blanchiment et contre le financement du terrorisme (LBC/FT). La législation en la matière est en perpétuelle évolution et il convient de faire un suivi réglementaire. Ce qui […]

Non-regulated Funds & AML-CFT Obligations

In order to follow-up previous communication done in October 2022: Please be aware that the Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines (AED), i.e., VATAuthority, is the supervisory authority on AML/CFT purposes for non-regulated funds: RAIF, andother non-regulated vehicles (SCSp and SCS): For the RAIF, communication in February 2023: In order to comply with your regulatory […]

EU AML Package- single European rulebook

EU AML Package

On 20 July 2021, the European Commission  issued its AML EU Package which defines a set of concrete measures aiming to further improve compliance by all with AML/CFT rules within the EU and constitutes a single European rulebook. The EU AML package includes four legislative proposals: 1/Draft Regulation establishing the Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and […]

AML-CTF & Fund industry

DS Compliance Advisory Services by Elisa Da Silva Luxembourg

ALFI Guidelines on AML-CTF to the fund industry have been issued On May 2021, the revised ALFI Guidelines on AML-CTF have been issued.  This publication provides awareness on AML-CTF obligations applicable to the funds and also a clear view on the responsibilities of the professionals: To develop and maintain an effective, well-documented AML-CTF program complying […]

Compliance & AML/CTF

AML Directive 2018/2043, provisions added concerning real estate agents The 5th AML Directive 2018/843 dated 30 May 2018 was transposed in Luxembourg last year with the law of 25 March 2020. Some additional provisions have been added with the law dated on 25 February 2021 concerning among other real estate agents.  Furthermore, the initial National […]